Monday, October 29, 2007

Last week of October

John Mark took Sam camping Friday night. It was a very clear night, and they camped out a point on Milford Lake (45 minutes west of here).

Moon Rise


Sunrise again

A cold morning

They came back mid-morning. Later that evening Sam went to Topeka with another friends youth group. They went through a corn maze in the dark and visited a haunted house.

John took more pictures of our yard. Really, I think it's looking the best it's looked this year, and a hard freeze is just around the corner. We've had a few frosts, but nothing hard.

Me with wet hair and giving the Julie look.

Trying out the close-ups.

I have this in the entry-way This is the piece I got from Zac and Lindsey's wedding.

Swirly Swirl loves to get up on our mantle. This will be a problems when we finally put stuff up on it. We're having trouble keeping her off of it.

Back in May we had electricians get up in our attic to wire the new lights. While they weren't looking Swirly got up in the attic. At one time, they went up again and there she was looking down at them. We never go in the attic if we can help it. But Swirly remembers where it was now. This weekend she got on top of some shelves in a closet and tried to move the door out of the way to get in. So far she's been unsuccessful. Here she is after trying to move the door in the ceiling.

Pastor Pat puts in soil for the maple tree planted in his honor for Pastor Appreciation.


Anonymous said...

your yard is much greener than ours. Ours is full of leaves.

Anonymous said...

Lorie and John Mark your yard looks beautiful!! The camping trip pictures were nice as well. MOM

Anonymous said...

What is the Julie look? You looked like you always do to me!

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures Lorie .Did you say you have a new camera?Your flowers are very pretty. You should win a prize for the prettiest yard. Mom Witter

Anonymous said...

That arrangement is sooo pretty in the foyer.

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