Monday, November 5, 2007

First week of November

Chief Autumn Leaf says "How". Autumn made her own costume this year.
Looking like a fierce warrior. That was only 6 days ago, but our trees are completely turned now and things are pretty much dead. We had several hard freezes since then.

My friend's kids with Autumn. Ben is a "captain of the airforce", Josie is a witch, Jill is "a spy in camouflage".

Autumn with her friend Chloe, the skeleton cow.

Autumn's friend Michaela (a spirit). She has bright red hair, so when we saw her like this, we were shocked, to say the least.

Autumn trick-or-treated in our neighborhood, then went to Chloe's neighborhood. It was full of college students who were just dying for kids to come to their doors.
Then we went to Michaela's neighboorhood (upscale) and trick or treated there. All in all it was fun, but took 3 hours of the girls walking slowly and exclaiming and examining what each other got at each house.
Sam went with a bunch of 12 year olds and "frightened" people in the neighborhood. He came back with a bag full of candy, so the frightening must have included some trick-or-treating as well.
Friday was a very rushed day. I took Autumn out of school early and our family went to Reflection Photography and got family pictures taken. Very stressful!
As soon as we got back, Sam and I did the paper route and Autumn and John took off for Milford Lake to camp. This weekend was Autumn's turn. When they got there, they found the campground was closed for the season. This was the same place that John and Sam went last week. So...they camped at a free camping area with no running water or toilets around. I later found out that there was an escaped convict from a town nearby, but apparently he wasn't showing himself to Autumn and John Mark. It got down in the low 20's that night.

John Mark bundled in his sleeping bag. Swirly chewed a hole in it, and he wasn't sure it would keep him warm, but a piece of tape over it fixed that for the time being.

Progression of sunrise...

Autumn LOVES to camp. She made this her own private beach.

No one in sight at this camping place. They set the timer for this photo.

One day last week we found Swirly Swirl sleeping inside our dunas (down filled duvet)

Our new children's pastor, Linda Johnson (holding jar). Her mother is Lola Wilcoxson, and lives with them. I mistakenly called her Wilma! Two of her children are pictured. The girl has a Masters in Family Counceling and is currently looking for work in Overland Park (Kansas City), and the boy is attending Mid-America. They have another grown child who lives in their hometown of Elkhart, KS.

And the sweetest picture of all from last week...

My new grand nephew--Luke Asher Robinson, born November 3, 2007 weighing 8lbs, 9 oz.

Coming next of our new flooring in the entryway....stay tuned...


Anonymous said...

All beautiful pictures. Autumn looked like you when her head was turned down. Get that cat away from your bed blankets! Jen

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that cat doesn't make you wheez! Mine is sleeping in the garage with a pillow under him. That is all she gets! ha. We had a hard freeze this past week and things are dying now also. I really wish my flowers would of stayed longer. I like the sunrise pictures. Autumn looks really cute!

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