Sunday, March 1, 2009


So here are a few photos from the last 10 days or so...

From New Album 3/1/09 11:56 AM

Sam, again, before the straightening iron on his hair.

From New Album 3/1/09 11:56 AM

me, with a sinus infection. I didn't realize how much my head had been hurting until it wasn't hurting a few days after starting an antibiotic.

From New Album 3/1/09 11:56 AM

Autumn and these 3 girls qualified for the A team for the District quiz on March 14. Autumn missed one question and tied for first place.

After the fall...

From New Album 3/1/09 11:56 AM

Learning how to use one hand. Homework has been a challenge, but she's getting the hang of one hand. However, erasing anything is no mistakes allowed :-)
From New Album 3/1/09 11:56 AM

From New Album 3/1/09 11:56 AM

A better view of the cast.

I didn't take any pictures of when she was extremely sick and fingers stiff and very swollen. I decided we might want to try to forget that part of the week. She was miserable. Besides, I was too busy to even take pictures.
This is a temporary cast and she gets a new on on Wednesday. She's to wear that one 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the healing. I told her it would be off by Sam's birthday, so that's what we're looking forward to.

We are actively searching for a knitted poncho. It's 11 degrees here and she has to wear my old t-shirts. Plus she can't get her coat on all the way. I know they were in style a year ago, but none to be found right now. People with broken arms are really sensitive to cold, so this is something that we have to find a solution to.

She got her hair washed yesterday for the first time. It took about 30 minutes for the whole production. A plastic bag around the cast, a garbage bag with a hole cut out for the head at top, then a washcloth around the neck.

We spent Tues night and Fri night at a hotel due to remodeling. I'll save those pictures for another post.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad she's feeling better. Sam's hair in the shadows looks so funny!

Anonymous said...

Sam is looking more like a man in that picture! And I like his hair curly...maybe that's what makes him look older.
Good to see pics of Autumn, too. I'm sure she is thrilled to feel like she can live again (that's how Chell put it after she was sick). -sandi

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