Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Dog Days of Summer

The kids had their last week of Parks and Rec tennis lessons. They are very glad it's over. More than anything, they'd rather stay home and vegetate, but this has got them up and moving in the morning (2 mornings a week).

The weather has been terribly hot here. For about 4 weeks every year, Kansas becomes a place you don't want to be outside. It started last week and will continue for a few more. Truly the DOG DAYS! I wish we could take our vacation more at this time and go to Colorado or something. However, it rarely works out to do it this late, as the kids start school on August 13, and VBS is this week. One good thing about Dog Days is they have great sales at the mall, so I got a new pair of tennis shoes and king size sheets at Penney's for a great deal. They're called Dog Days Deals and they're used to get people out of the heat and into the cool stores.

John Mark and Autumn with the sprinkler system going

Friday night and Saturday morning I enjoyed going to a Beth Moore simulcast here in town. She was in Louisville and was broadcasting out to 750 different locations (70,000 people). She is by far the BEST teacher I think I have ever heard. I've never seen anyone make something so complex and bring it down right to everyone's level. I have been hesitating doing one of her Bible studies in our small group because of those that have the English problem. She speaks pretty fast with a Texan drawl. But after hearing her, I'm thinking, why not give it a try. Someone this good has got to be listened to!

This week JM travels to Cedar Rapids and Sam goes to camp. Autumn and I will be doing VBS. I am in charge of the offering phase of it. I think we'll sing the song that Dan always sang to the tune of Hi Ho the Dairy-O "the girls beat the boys", and of course "They won't do it again." The theme is "Custom Garage" so our church has been turned into a mechanics shop. Looks pretty cool!

Sam practicing his guitar

Believe it or not, he's had a haircut 2 days ago.


Anonymous said...

I get more an idea of what your couch and curtains look like in these picures with Sam. Never saw the finished look of the window treatment. Sam's hair looks pretty good. i saw kids at camp with the same style.Mom

Anonymous said...

I have done three Beth Moore Bible studies. There is a ton of workbook study to complete each time so we met every two weeks. I think Julie was in a study in the spring.
I have a bad memory,but everything she taught still is with me. Especially the one on the temple.When she got into theology, she teaches once saved always saved but I overlooked that and got a lot of good from it all. Mom

Anonymous said...

Autumn appears to be striking that ball cause her mean old mother is making her take lessons. Mom

Anonymous said...

Lorie, I'd also like to see more pics of your house inside that is.
Sam has camp this late? Emily is vegging after 2 weeks of band camp. She enjoyed it though.

Anonymous said...

I did Beth Moore right along with mom. (We do everything together.)They were very good. I wish we could do them during Sunday School, but the format is not right for that. Your walls do look like my color. More pictures please. jen

Anonymous said...

I think your right about not being able to do it for Sunday School. Isn't the whole thing about an hour and a half each week?

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