During the summer months you can bring your daughter to Curves. So Autumn has gone with me several times. Here she is working out on some machines...
These next 2 pictures are on the stretching machine you use afterwards. It's my favorite part. You stretch your muscle out on the machine and hold it for 15 seconds before moving on. There are around 15 different stretches to do.
Our VBS theme was the "Custom Garage" Here are a few pictures of how the church was decorated...Click on this picture. Then the first one in the thumbnails. Hit the > to go from picture to picture.
New Album 8/9/08 11:57 AM |
We raised over $1400 in our missionary offering for the Proclaimers. This was a new record. Both Pastor Linda and Pastor Pat took pies in the face the last night. I made a chocolate pie with cherries and whipped cream and a banana cream pie with bananas on the top. They were really beautiful, only to be thrown! Unfortunately, our camera battery gave out right before the pie throw, so no pics of that one :-(
Our weather is almost COLD and rainy this weekend. A nice change and we are enjoying it.
Why did you go to all that bother to have a pie thrown. Do like the Reds and fill a pie shell up with shaving cream. Someone sure did a lot of work for that vbs. Ours starts Mondy. mom
Surely you mean WHIPPED cream, not SHAVING!!!
Because I wanted one to be chocolate and one banana. I wanted the real thing.
That VBS car thing is pretty neat--someone did do a lot of work...but in my heart of hearts it will never beat the sunday school full size train that Randy built. I really believe that thing could've run and carried people to a destination.
We all have certain skills -Randy's is building full scale mock ups of whatever sunday school theme is going on at the time. I've often wondered if he couldn't put his skills to work by going from church to church and saying things like "hey, you need your sanctuary to look like a Noah's Ark for a sunday school contest? I can make it hold 600 people and 2 animals of every living kind."
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