Saturday, May 24, 2008

End of the School Year

The kids' last day was May 23rd. We've been really busy the last few weeks with end of the year things. Sam had an orchestra concert (played violin), a music explorations concert(played guitar), a tennis banquet, among other things. Autumn had Field Day, a show case night (where they showed some of the stuff they did that year) etc... Sam wouldn't allow me to take any pictures of him, so he's not in any of these. But there are plenty of Autumn. So...without further ado, here are more pics...
Click on flower picture. Then the first picture, then the curser to get to the next picture. That way you can see them better. Also, See comments below each picture for an explanation.

New Album 5/24/08 11:11 AM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nuce pictures of Autumn. Tell Sam that the pictures are the only way relatives can see how handsome he is.
Grandma Witter

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