Saturday, December 15, 2007

Light at the end of the tunnel

Well, the worst is over. We had 4 people staying with us from the storm, and one more on the way. Then suddenly the electricity came on Friday evening. Yea! Still no electricity for the people across the street and thousands of others. We got 4" of snow last night, but things are looking better than they were 24 hours ago.

We have a few families living at the church. I bought a bunch of food for them and took it over. Pastor had rigged up some propane thing to heat the sanctuary. The building has half power, which none of us can figure out.

I won't type much more, as I'm kind of sick of the whole thing! Oh, one last thing, the whole town is deeply indebted to linemen and treemen who've come from Michigan, N.C., S.C., S.D., Georgia, etc..all over the United States to work through the night and in a blinding snowstorm. Bless their hearts!!!
If you click on the picture below, you'll come to lots of other pictures from the storm. The first 27 are pictures from our town newspaper.
New Album 12/13/07 5:01 PM

Click the > button to go to the next one. Doing that will also make it bigger and easier to see the pictures.
The rest are ones I took.
Do the same thing and click the > button
New Album 12/15/07 12:04 PM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow that is so beautiful!

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