Saturday, June 23, 2007

Remodelling Update

We picked out a dining room table and chairs today. We had actually looked at it a 2 mos ago, and like it, but I thought the chairs hit my back wrong. JM talked me into it today though, and I decided I would grab one of our couch pillows (which we have too many of anyway)when sitting there, to make me feel more comfortable.

The price actually went up $100 since this photo in April!

The seats are actually a grey/neutral and not white. And yes, we got a protective spray on them.
The table gets delivered Tuesday.

We discussed painting with a painter yesterday. Still can't decided on whether to do the washed look. The painter has done it before, and we feel comfortable with him, just not sure it looks right.

We need to pick out area rugs. The Girls (this is who we call Recapture-our int. decorators) are on vacation next week, and we leave July6, so things might be slow for a few weeks.

Oh,and those who knew about Autumn being sick. Her fever broke on Friday morning and she's been fine since.
Sam is slowly getting used to the braces. Each day the soreness is a little bit better.
And yes, JM got back from Canada and Georgia fine. Long delay in Kingston, and was a day late in arriving in Atlanta because of it. He enjoyed his stay in Kingston though and stayed at a beautiful place, not too far from where we used to live. He didn't get to see anyone from the church, but did see some old friends/faculty from Queens.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know Autumn was sick.
I didn't know Sam got braces.
I didn't know John was out of the country.
Ilike the chairs and table and would not allow your children near them. MOM

Lorie said...

I put on about JM being in Canada, and that's why I put the poll about braces.
Aut. was sick Wed and Thurs with a low fever of about 100.5 Complained some of her throat hurting, but not much. She took naps both days so I KNEW something must be wrong.
Friday she woke up fine though, so it must have been a virus.
Sam had 2 or 3 bad days with the braces and not being able to eat well. Saturday though things are much better for him.

Anonymous said...

The chairs look really beautiful. I'd be afraid to eat on the table. Can you put hot things on there or do you have to have a pad of some sort?

Lorie said...

Not sure who wrote the above comment, but we are getting a custom made table cover to use on it when we want it protected. You can put one on, then a table cloth. Or just use hot pads when you have hot things. I'll probably extra careful with that type of thing.

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