A couple weeks ago our church participated in Spooooktacular at our local zoo. This is where groups/organizations set up booths throughout the zoo and distribute candy. I thought ours had a great theme!
The kids would spin the wheel to see how many pieces of candy they got
We distributed over 800 flyers to various families that came by.
Sam participated in his first debate. He won 3/5 of the novice division. Good job, Sam! He had to dress up and leave on some Saturday mornings around 6:00 AM.
All summer I have been working on removing wallpaper. Here are pics from A's room.
Finally enlisted JM's help for an evening to help it go faster...
I had to take a razor blade to the tops to get off the peeling primer.
It was SUCH a long job, but finally it was over. After trying out two colors, "A" went with "pleasant grove". JM primed and painted and we got a new bedspread. What do you think?
Looking toward the closet..
"A" wants a new rug and curtains and a new papasan chair. She's trying to earn the $$ for the chair, as they're expensive.
Another project we've been doing is remodeling an old chair of ours for A's white desk.
We have these 4 older chairs that we bought from someone in 1993. A & I sanded one of them down.
Then we primed it and painted it white to match her desk.
Then I painted ivy on the top rail and we stenciled ivy on the seat.
I think it turned out well.
I can't have a blog post without some of our flowers. Here are a few before the frost.
Some of our grasses blowing in the Kansas wind.
The view from out our living room window...before the frost about a month ago...
And then after the frost. Notice our droopy yellow hostas.
Our beautiful maple a few weeks ago...
And a few weeks later...
I took this in the car a few weeks ago while driving :-) The power lines make it ugly, but the colors were pretty together.
We've been trying to pull out all our dead stuff, but it's quite a job. Here we are working in the evening.
"A" loved finding the sweet potatoes under the big sweet potato vines.
Our friends from El Paso stayed this weekend with us. We had a great time visiting with them again. They flew in to very cold and windy temperatures on Friday. The windchill was in the lower 20's. But by Halloween on Saturday it was up in the 60's and perfect! "A" and her friend and another friend spent the entire daylight ours making a restaurant outside. Here is part of their menu from the Sunny Vill Cafe.
I can't get it to rotate, but the foods had great names. The Owner/Boss was "Maple", the Manager's name was "Silence" and the Assistant was "Ivy".
Here are some of their creations:
Made with mostly berries, leaves, sticks from outside and a few things they got from our cupboard.
Children of the Earth...
They even took pieces of chalk and a knife and spinkled it on stuff to look like parmesan cheese.
Yes, that was a poptart on the left of the picture. Don't worry, grandmothers, they didn't really eat this stuff.
Coloring the drinks with chalk and markers.
The old sweet potatoes were "chicken"
Trick-or-Treating came later in the evening. We went around the neighborhood, then her friend's old neighborhood, then to a church that does a Medieval Theme, then to our yearly treck to the Haunted basketball court to get spooked. This is just an abandoned basketball court they like to go to. It's covered in vines and leaves and abandoned, so they think it's haunted.
The gypsy and the celebrakitty
Sam went to a Halloween party and his friends dyed his hair black. I didn't get to see it because I was out w/ Autumn. But the remains of the black hair dye were on the white pillowcase that night and the shower the next morning. I'm not taking a picture of that!